Construction Project - Prop 51

CSMH Module 4 – Launch 6/11/2020

Module 4 contains an overview of the information covered in modules 1 -3. If you would like more in depth information, please refer to the video modules for modules 1 -3 in the archives below.

Video Archives


CSMH Module 1 - Integrating Culture, Curriculum and Physical Spaces

This video describes how integrating school culture with curriculum and physical spaces results in ideal learning experiences. It includes an overview of socio-emotional learning, biophilic design and the primordial spaces.

CSMH Module 2 - Ideate and Prototype with Design Thinking

This video is a step by step guide to engaging in design thinking with a partner using the prompt "Redesign the Learning Experience for you partner. There is a handout available for those interested in doing the activity. Contact Aedis Architects if you would like a copy of the handout.

CSMH Module 3 - Designing Ideal learning Environments

This video describes the Primordial Spaces and introduces the Designing with the Primordial Spaces mural.