Information Relating to Covid 19

Community Transmission
Community transmission is ongoing in Santa Clara County. As the community follows the Health Officer Order to Shelter in Place issued on March 16, 2020, notification regarding potential contacts to cases will no longer be provided, and school districts/charter schools are not required to provide any notifications. Everyone, except for those providing or receiving essential services, should be staying home, especially anyone who is feeling ill. Anyone who develops symptoms of COVID-19, should call their healthcare provider for further guidance before going to the doctor. Only the severely ill should seek care at an emergency room and should, if at all possible, call first.
Student Nutrition Program
During the closure of our schools through April 14th, with the exception of Spring Break from April 6 through April 13, the MHUSD Student Nutrition Department will continue to provide meals to any children in our community under the age of 18. In order to limit exposure and align with social distancing practices and “Shelter in Place”, we are switching to a single day pick up for meals for an entire week (five lunches and five breakfasts for the week). Please see flyer for more details.
CSMH School Closure
The County of Santa Clara had a press conference and are asking all public schools and charters to close. CSMH will be following this directive. School will be closed beginning March 17th (March 16th was already a day with no students). At this time, we will be closed through May 1, 2020.