January 31, 2020

January 31, 2020

Classroom Updates

Another great week in 2nd grade, please read below about all of the amazing things we accomplished in the classroom.  Report cards went home in Friday Folders. Please check to make sure you received one. Please feel free to send me an email if you have questions, would like clarification, or want to touch base after reading your report card. I am happy to talk over email or the phone if needed. 


In math this week, students solved more problems that combined two or more quantities and we continued to look at addition story problems. Students used familiar number combinations to solve problems with multiple addends. They also recorded their work and discussed strategies with a partner. In addition, we learned two new games:  “Beat the Calculator” and “Close to 20.” Next week, we will begin to look at subtraction story problems!

In phonics this week, students worked on syllables and identifying how words are broken up. We played syllable bingo and sorted words with many different numbers so syllables. Next week we will work on abbreviations and double consonants. 

  • main
  • wait
  • sail
  • tail
  • train
  • jay
  • pay
  • stay
  • hay
  • may

Writing this week included the students answering the questions: “When I am 100 years old…” and “What would I do with $100?” 

Reading this week we worked on reading stamina and studied problems and solutions in familiar stories. We also read many books on Lunar New Year. 

In science this week, students explored the different properties of materials used for clothing, such as texture, flexibility, and absorbency. Students used this information to design and build a hat that protects them from the sun. Next week, we are going to try and answer the question, “Can you really fry an egg on a hot sidewalk?” For this activity, please have your child bring in one pair of socks on Monday. 

On Friday, we celebrated 100 days of school! We are officially 100 days smarter! 

We are preparing for Ellis Island! The simulation will take place on February 27th.  Please keep an eye out for information and sign ups next week. 

A special thanks to our wonderful parents who volunteer in and out of the classroom! I truly appreciate the help from all of you! 

Happy Friday and enjoy your weekend!!!!!

Looking Ahead

  • February 5th: World Read Aloud Day
  • February 17th-21st: Holiday Break
  • February 27th Ellis Island Simulation Day
  • March 6th: Open Enrollment Closes
  • March 16th: Staff Development - No Students
  • March 23rd-25th: Minimum Days - Conferences